We believe there are three missing ingredients in almost all coaching practices.
The Hidden Obstacles and Answers
We believe that the ICF philosophy is right that all of the answers are inside your client. What if you were able to guide your client to uncover the subconscious barriers that keep getting in their way?
Emotional Agility
Most clients have automatic, default patterns of thought and behavior when their emotions arise. Few coaches are taught how to guide their clients to gain emotional agility.
Overcoming Mental Barriers
Have you ever noticed when a client is “stressed out” it dominates the conversation? This type of ongoing toxic stress, when not dealt with, shows up as “dis-ease” in the body often 2-3 years later.
rREST is the tool that bridges the gaps in coaching.
During this event we will be discussing: (1) What rREST is. (2) Why it is different from other coaching and therapy techniques. (3) How rREST benefits clients & coaches alike
rREST will allow you to help people make life changing transformations. Hear how this revolutionary technique has changed people’s lives below.
with the Founders of rREST!

Dr. Cindy Sholes
“It’s important to recognize that your own triggered reactions could be undermining your mental and physical health goals.”

Dr. Mitra Ray
“The stress of our times overwhelms us and leaves us reacting like children, instead of adults. With the right techniques, we can achieve the results we’ve been searching for”

Christie Nix
“rREST is a tool that can help your client find hidden obstacles and answers that are buried deep in their minds.”